Fun Bowling
by Dante Herras
To kick-off this year’s celebration of Accountancy Week, PICPA Dubai and Abu Dhabi chapters jointly held a Fun Bowling event at Dubai Bowling Center on July 5, 2002. It was a very early activity (10:00 AM) on a Friday morning, but the timing did not deter PICPANS, Associates Members and friends from getting up early and turning the event into a huge success! Participants from Dubai and Abu Dhabi played together like old friends who haven’t seen each other for quite sometime. The host (PICPA Dubai) did the best it can to extend utmost hospitality to its very friendly guest (PICPA Abu Dhabi).
A short program was held before the games begin. Mariya Fajardo of Dubai Bowling Center and yours truly led the singing of the national anthem while Evelyn Jaboni did the invocation. Former president Emil Dungca delivered his welcome remarks, during which he acknowledged the efforts of the coordinators of Accountancy Week activities, Vicvic Tiangha and Sol Consulta. I took the task of explaining the mechanics of the games and other administrative matters. Before I announced the lane assignments (wherein the Abu Dhabi players were evenly mixed with Dubai players), each participant was requested to briefly introduce himself/ herself. PICPA Dubai president Redd Valdehueza and PICPA Abu Dhabi vice-president Nick Melgazo rolled the ceremonial balls. Jinky Aguillon was the emcee of the program and the sportscaster of the event.
The first game was No Tap (nine pinfalls on first ball being counted as strike). The second was 3-6-9 (3rd, 6th and 9th frames are automatic strikes). The third and the most exciting game was the Cosmic Bowling or bowling sa dilim. Surprisingly, scores were higher when the regular lights were replaced with dim, moving and sparking lights and fast-paced bouncy music were being loudly played.
The Winners
- Men’s No Tap - Mel Villar
- Ladies’ No Tap - Cherry Santiago (Abu Dhabi)
- Men’s 3/6/9 - Arnold Parcon (Dubai)
- Ladies’ 3/6/9 - Wilma Masigon (Dubai)
- Men’s Cosmic - Mar Magdaluyo (Dubai)
- Ladies’ Cosmic - Beth Tan (Dubai)
A friendly match between Dubai and Abu Dhabi teams was held right after the official games. The Dubai Team (composed of Xavier Puno, Rene Domingo, Wilma Masigon, Mar Magdaluyo and Mel Villar) won the game. While the friendly match was going on , the raffle draws were simultaneously being held. Jerry Lorilla, Eva Escalera and yours truly donated the prizes. Lunch was served at Little Italy Café at the first floor of the Bowling Center.
Lunch time at the Little Italy Café